Is Vanilla Useful to Repel Bugs?

Using Vanilla to repel bugs? You must be thinking this is some kind of a far-fetched trick, but it’s not! Most of the time, there are some natural bug repellents available in your kitchen drawers, and Vanilla is one of them. Also, because of the increasing number of bugs and insects, the repellent industry is only going upwards from this stage, and so is the demand for Vanilla bug Repellents.

When it comes to pest control Canton OH, exploring natural solutions like vanilla to repel bugs can be beneficial. Companies like Greenix Pest Control offer comprehensive services tailored to the Canton area, ensuring effective pest management for homes and businesses. With their expertise, you can explore various methods, including natural repellents like vanilla, to keep pests at bay. Whether you’re dealing with ants, mosquitoes, or other common pests, incorporating natural remedies into your pest control strategy can complement professional services and help maintain a pest-free environment in Canton, OH.

Bug repellents are forecasted to remain in second place and dominate the Repellent market, all the way till 2026.

Gone are the times when you needed to use harmful chemicals, to drive away from the bugs and pests. Now you can make a harmless DIY Vanilla bug repellent with all-natural ingredients. You don’t need to use chemical sprays that end up harming your loved ones. Make the right choice and use Vanilla to make your house stay safe from all kinds of pests and bugs. Let’s have a closer look into how Vanilla can be used as an effective bug repellent. 

How is Vanilla Useful to Repel Bugs? 

The scent of Vanilla extract can be used effectively to repel bugs and different kinds of pests. You can also use Vanilla extract as a topical bug repellent. Additionally, unlike most bug repellents, Vanilla extract does not contain any harmful chemicals and is safe to apply on your skin. It can also be used for most household surfaces, without causing any damage. Vanilla extract will help repel the bugs in the house and create an overall pleasant scent, that won’t be bothering your nose. 

Peppermint is commonly used as an effective deterrent for insects that bite, and fleas/ticks especially. Basil, Myrtle, and woody notes such as Fir or Cedar are also incredible repellents for biting insects. However, insects have a strange kind of hate for the smells of these notes. In particular, Vanilla acts as a major and the most effective bug repellant. It’s because Vanilla hinders the ability of insects to find their food sources. Getting a Vanilla Bug repellent is a win-win situation. The creamy and soft scent is pleasant and good for humans, and at the same time, not so good for bugs and pests. 

Vanilla Extract as an Affective Bug Repellent

Vanilla extract bug repellents can repel insects and bugs for up to half an hour. If you plan to stay outside for a longer period, apply more bug repellent to your skin, particularly on the most exposed areas like pulse points, hands, and neck. In case your skin is exposed to extremely high temperatures, you may also need to apply again after some time, as high temperatures can make the repellents evaporate quickly. 

The Vanilla bug repellent spray smells amazing with a sweet and mild scent, is not too strong. It does not contain harmful chemicals and is safe for pets and kids. You can let your kids and pets move outside, without having to worry about bug bites. It is also free of phthalate, paraben, and alcohol. All the ingredients used in the making of a vanilla bug repellent are safe for hair and skin. 

Recipe of a DIY Vanilla Extract Bug Repellent

The first and foremost step is to purchase pure vanilla extract from a nearby food store. They come in small-sized bottles. Before buying, have a thorough look at the ingredients and don’t buy the extracts containing additives like sugar and alcohol. These types of extracts definitely won’t act as effective repellents. They can actually have an opposite effect, and insects will be attracted more because of their sticky concoction. The next step is to mix one tablespoon of Vanilla with a tablespoon of water and make a mixture in a container. 

Vanilla extract proves to be one of the best bug repellents when mixed with ingredients like lemongrass oil, peppermint oil, and citronella oil. They are also known as natural insect and bug repellents. Mix it with these ingredients and once you’re done making the solution, apply it to your skin with the help of cotton balls. You can also store this repellent mixture in an empty spray bottle and carry it with you, whenever you go outside. 

Using Vanilla Perfume as an Insect/Bug Repellent

Keeping the bugs away, and that too while smelling like Vanilla? Not so impossible anymore. If you haven’t got the time for a DIY Vanilla bug repellent and are falling short on time for your morning hike, make do with a Vanilla perfume. In case you’re not a fan of sugary sweetness and heavy floral, opt for a minimalistic Vanilla scent perfume. It won’t only keep the bugs away but also help you smell good and stay refreshed outdoors. Additionally, Vanilla flavored perfumes are now available in different types of scents, so you can always experience with different products, and choose your next favorite two-in-one, bug repellent-perfume. Also, you can always make your own Sandalwood Vanilla perfume at home, to repel all kinds of bugs and pests.

Pros and Cons of Vanilla Bug Repellents

Just like many other bug repellants and sprays, Vanilla bug repellents are also not all perfect. There are pros and cons of every product out there, in the market. So is the case with Vanilla extract bug repellent. Although the pros outweigh the cons, here are some of the common pros and cons of this effective repellent spray. 


  • Safe, non-toxic, and free from harmful chemicals 
  • Made with all-natural ingredients
  • A Pleasant and sweet aroma
  • Easy to use, and without any inconvenience 
  • Can be carried anywhere, in small spray bottles 
  • DIY Vanilla bug repellents can be made in different scents 
  • Repels most bugs and outdoor biting insects 
  • Leaves no sticky residue 
  • Doesn’t stain clothes and household appliances


  • Can evaporate outdoors and may be effective only for a few hours, thus needing reapplication 
  • Can be inconsistent regarding its effectiveness

Vanilla Extract – A Better Smelling Repellent

Vanilla extract is not only an incredible baking ingredient, famed for its soft aroma and strong flavor, but also acts as an effective bug repellent. Some insects can be very annoying AND dangerous, so you must safeguard your skin and home against their nasty bites. In such circumstances, it’s recommended to invest in a high-quality vanilla bug repellent, or even better, you can make one at home. It will act as a powerful bug repellent and is a safer and cheaper alternative to chemical repellents. You don’t have to sit and note down the long recipe, it can be prepared in minutes and will leave your house with a soft scent.  Additionally, you can also use Sandalwood incense as a natural bug repellent, and fill your house with mesmerizing aroma.